Tuesday, December 02, 2008

A break of sorts....

Last night, I got home around 6:30PM, laid down, and didn't rise until 1:00AM.
Amy is sick with throat rot, and I thought I was getting it, too.
She came over to decorate and sounded like Tanya Roberts and Rachel Ray had a sister.

So, I ended up sleeping just around twelve hours, woke up with a headache, and took a muscle relaxer instead of an aspirin.
I'm feeling really good. My bones feel flexible.

Anyway, I finally scanned some stuff the other night. First time in a month or so?

First up?
A Batman Beyond doodle for Jemma.

Next is a little Wall-E doodle.
Question: why is the Wall-E dvd so frakkin' expensive?
I DON'T WANT a digital copy of the movie! $30-35, my ass!

I gots more stuff to post this week, and I'd love to hear from you!

OH! I drew a little character for Mike Maihack last year at a con, and he's made a cameo in the latest Cow & Buffalo!
Check out the strip HERE!

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