Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Smatterings of doodles.....fantasy-like.

So, there's been some Illyham action going around lately, and while I hadn't really had the time to really dip into a fantasy narrative, I doodled up a little thief guy:

I had some ideas for a short story involving the thief, and saw that Jon Morris had also put forward some pics of some cut-purse rapscallions out there on the webs!

Speaking of fantasy, and by fantasy, I mean Dungeons & Dragons, you might have noticed a bunch of D&D monsters I've been posting lately.
My Aim wants to play D&D, and I want to make it a truly fantastical affair.
Pretty much going to use the original red box rules, and she (and three other adventurers of her choosing) will run through ye olde Keep on the Borderlands module.
That's right...ye olde school. For REALS.

Anyway, as much as I want to get her painting miniatures and whatnot, I thought a little cardboard, cartoony standup might be more fun...
Here's the fighter/warrior I sketched up as a test.
I'll post another pic when I color and print it out.

And, of course, digging out my old D&D crap had me wanting to look through my old
Warhammer 40K book.
So, I also drew up a little cardboard mock-up miniature of a space marine.
As much as I would love to get back in 40K, I just CANNOT afford all the miniatures...
Might be cute to print out an entire army of little cartoon marines and tanks.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Hooked Horror

A little more fun than the LAST ONE.

Crossposted to the MONSTERMANUAL

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Bullette

Also known as the land shark.

Crossposted to the MONSTERMANUAL

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Star Wars Clone Wars (for sale)

Drew these awhile back for sale! $20 each!

Batpics still available as well! CLICK HERE

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's a me...

Commission done for some friend's anniversary/birthday....

I'm back on track this week! Monsters coming up!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Late night doodles while chatting with Tim Fischer....he requested Invincible.

I'll get back to posting monsters very soon!
Had family in last week, and got a ton of work visitors this week....

Friday, October 03, 2008

The Displacer Beast

Not to be confused with the similar looking Coeurl.

Crossposted to the MONSTERMANUAL

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

A trip to scenic Un'Goro Crater....

Based on an actual in-game event in the World of Warcraft.
While the comic is most likely not too accessible to those not steeped in the game, I'm sure you can still follow the gist.

Special thanks to Steve Hamaker for pushing me to do up a little WOW strip.
Check out the awesomely cute strips he's been posting recently!